Intimacy Vs. Sex

We spent the night together, had sex throughout the evening. I enjoyed it but something was missing. It was like our bodies were connected but nothing else….

Have you ever had this experience with someone? Where you were involved in a very intimate act but somehow felt that there was a disconnect despite being naked in the same bed?

Well, gather round kiddos cause today we are talking about Intimacy and how you can build it with your partner, and hint…Penetration isn’t always the end goal!

So what is intimacy?

Isn’t having sex with someone the ultimate version of that?

Not necessarily. Intimacy is the connection you build with someone.

Where you feel safe, secure, and happy in each other’s presence. It is collected moments throughout your days together that leave you both feeling secure and happy, feeling at peace.

Intimacy equals vulnerability in the best kind of way.

It is looking your partner in the eyes and seeing love reflected inside. It is kisses shared when you first wake up, with sleep-covered eyes and morning breath, needing time in the silent moments to be together before life’s chaos barges in.

When you find this with someone you realize it’s the smallest things that get you the most: Holding hands as you fall asleep, or the freedom to be silly and goofy with each other without fear, without walls. Those small ones are kindling in the bonfire, helping to keep things burning outside of the bedroom so the one inside stays alight.

When you are physically together, intimacy is the stroke of a finger across the cheek, a kiss that speaks when words cannot.

Sex is a beautiful thing. It is two people connecting in a way that they do not with everyone else. Without intimacy though, it’s just fucking, and while that can be fun, it’s not what you always want.

If you are in a rut, feeling like your sex life is routine and part of every day, focus less on sex and more on connecting in meaningful ways. It is a ripple in the pond that impacts multiple facets of your life.

Before you can connect in the sheets, you need to connect your hearts. There is no greater gift you can give to another human being, than your complete attention, focus, and time.

Give it a shot. You won’t regret the end results!

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